AMA’-zfit Falcon Smartwatch for Men, Premium Multisport GPS Smart Watch, Strength Training Watch, 150+ Sports Modes Titanium Supersonic Black Strap., 1.28
Smart coaching algorithm that helps you train and recover more scientifically.
Workout plans are based on your physical characteristics and exercise experience level, so guidance is tailored to you.
It monitors your fatigue level, fitness level, and training status, and adjusts training intensity and rest days to help you avoid over-training.
Able to pick up both L1 and L5 GPS signals, the watch’s precise dual-band positioning and support for 6 satellite systems can effectively reduce environmental interference from tall trees and high buildings, even in dense areas like cities.
Smart coaching algorithm that helps you train and recover more scientifically.
Workout plans are based on your physical characteristics and exercise experience level, so guidance is tailored to you.
It monitors your fatigue level, fitness level, and training status, and adjusts training intensity and rest days to help you avoid over-training.
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